Human Resource Management

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Human Resource Management

Many organizations now recognize that a critical source of competitive advantage often comes not from having the most ingenious product design, the best marketing strategy, or the most state-of-the –art production technology, but rather from having an effective system for obtaining, mobilizing, and managing the organization’s human assets. A number of recent developments, including demographic changes in the labor force, increased global competition, experiments with new organizational arrangements, and public policy attention o work force issues have made human resource management increasingly important for organizations.


The course will consider the extent to which the terms of the debate on managing employees have shifted in recent years, largely driven by key changes in the economic, political, social and legal environment, In particular, it will examine claims of a shift in managerial approaches from low-trust to high trust employee relations. From this, the course will focus on developments in the key component parts of human resource management, such as employee resourcing, training and skills, compensation, performance management, and HR compliance & policy.

MGT 201- Principles of Management

  1. It is the student’s responsibility to gather information about the assignments and covered topics during the lectures missed. Regular class attendance is mandatory. Points will be taken off for missing classes. Without 70% of attendance, sitting for final exam is NOT allowed. According to IUB system students must enter the classroom within the first 20 minutes to get the attendance submitted.
  2. The date and syllabus of quiz, midterm and final exam is already given here, however, announcements will be given ahead of time. There is NO provision for make-up quizzes.
  3. The reading materials for each class will be given prior to that class so that student may have a cursory look into the materials.
  4. Class participation is vital for better understanding of sociological issues. Students are invited to raise questions.
  5. Students should take tutorials with the instructor during the office hours. Prior appointment is required.
  6. Students must maintain the IUB code of conduct and ethical guidelines offered by the School of Business.
  7. Students must refrain from any type of cheating and/or plagiarism in a course. Any student acting otherwise will receive an “F” grade in the course. School of Business, IUB, maintains a zero tolerance policy regarding violation of academic integrity.
  1. Students are not allowed to keep bags, handouts, books, mobile phones, smart watches or any other smart electronic devices with them during any exam. Students are advised to keep everything in the front of the class room before the exam starts. Please note that, just carrying any smart electronic devises (even if the devise is turned off or put it in silent mode) during the exam will be considered as “cheating”. Moreover, during the exam, anything written on hand palms (or anywhere else) and carrying paper materials (whatever is written) will be considered as “cheating”. Any sorts of “cheating” will result in an “F” grade with no exception. During the exam, students are only allowed to carry pen, pencil, eraser, sharpener, ruler, highlighter and calculator in a clear plastic bag.
Type of Evaluation Nos. Weight
Class Attendance and Participation 100% 5
Quiz 2 10
Project and Presentation 01 25
Midterm Exam 01 30
Final Exam 01 30
Total   100%

[Class attendance is mandatory; failure to do so may deduct the final marks]

The following chart will be followed for grading. This has customized form the guideline provided by the school of Business.

A A- B+ B B- C+ C C- D+ D F
90-100 85-89 80-84 75-79 70-74 65-69 60-64 55-59 50-54 45-49 0-44

* Numbers are inclusive

The course will be based mostly on the following books [some other books and journals may be referred time to time]:

  • Gary Dessler, Human Resource Management, 14th Edition, Pearson



  • Aswathappa (2008) Human Resource Management, Tata McGraw Hill Company


Link to virtual learning system: (School of Business – Faculty name- Login as a guest- password is 1234).

Sessions Topic Learning Outcomes Readings
Session -1 IntroductionTo HRM       Explain what human resource management is and how it relates to the management process.Show with examples why human resource management is important to all managers.Illustrate the human resources responsibilities of line and staff (HR) managers. Gary Dessler, Chapter 1 ,Page 1-34
Session -2 IntroductionTo HRM       Briefly discuss and illustrate each of the important trends influencing human resource management.List and briefly describe important trends in human resource management.Define and give an example of evidence-based human resource management.HR practice in Bangladesh. Gary Dessler, Chapter 1 ,Page 1-34
Session -3 HR strategy & Analysis       Explain what human resource management is and how it relates to the management process.Show with examples why human resource management is important to all managers.Illustrate the human resources responsibilities of line and staff (HR) managers. Gary Dessler, Chapter 3 ,Page 92-117
Session -4 HR strategy & Analysis       Briefly discuss and illustrate each of the important trends influencing human resource management.List and briefly describe important trends in human resource management.HR Auditing Gary Dessler, Chapter 3 ,Page 92-117
Session -5 Job Analysis       Discuss the nature of job analysis, including what it is and how it’s used.Use at least three methods of collecting job analysis information, including interviews, questionnaires, and observation. Gary Dessler, Chapter 4 ,Page 118-150
Session -6 Job Analysis       Write job descriptions, including summaries and job functions, using the Internet and traditional methods.Write a job specification.Explain job analysis in a “worker-empowered” world, including what it means and how it’s done in practice. Gary Dessler, Chapter 4 ,Page 118-150
Session-7 Personnel Planning & Recruiting       Explain the main techniques used in employment planning and forecasting.List and discuss the main outside sources of candidates. Gary Dessler, Chapter 5 ,Page 152-185
Session -8 Personnel Planning & Recruiting       Effectively recruit job candidates.Name and describe the main internal sources of candidates.Explain how to recruit a more diverse workforce. Gary Dessler, Chapter 5 ,Page 152-185
Session -9 Employee testing and selection       Explain what is meant by reliability and validity.Explain how you would go about validating a test.Cite and illustrate our testing guidelines. Gary Dessler, Chapter 6 ,Page 189-249
Session -10 Employee testing and selection       Give examples of some of the ethical and legal considerations in testing.List eight tests you could use for employee selection and how you would use them.Give two examples of work sample/simulation tests.Explain the key points to remember in conducting background investigations. Gary Dessler, Chapter 6 ,Page 189-249
Session -11 Ethics,Justice and Fair Treatment in
      Explain what is meant by ethical behavior at work.Discuss important factors that shape ethical behavior at work.Describe at least four specific ways in which HR management can influence ethical behavior at work. Gary Dessler, Chapter 14 ,Page 460-484.
Session -12 Ethics, Justice and Fair Treatment in
      Employ fair disciplinary practices.List at least four important factors in managing dismissals effectively.Ethics and Law. Gary Dessler, Chapter 14 ,Page 460-484
Session -13 Mid-term Test Chapter  1, 3, 4, 6, 5 & 14 Gary Dessler, Chapter  1,3, 4, 5, 6 & 14
Session -14 Interviewing Candidates       List the main types of selection interviews.List and explain main errors that can undermine an interview’s usefulness.Define a structured situational interview.Explain and illustrate each guideline for being a more effective interviewer. Gary Dessler, Chapter 7 ,Page 222-249
Session -15 Interviewing Candidates       Give several examples of situational questions, behavioral questions, and background questions that provide structure.List the steps in a streamlined interview process.List guidelines for interviewees  Gary Dessler, Chapter 7 ,Page 222-249
Session -16 Training and Developing Employees       Summarize the purpose and process
of employee orientation.List and briefly explain each of the four steps in the training process.Discuss how you would motivate trainees.Describe and illustrate how you would identify training requirements.Explain how to distinguish between problems you can fix with training and those you can’t.
Gary Dessler, Chapter 8 ,Page 250-280
Session -17 Training and Developing Employees       Explain how to use five training techniques.List and briefly discuss four management development programs.List and briefly discuss the importance of the eight steps in leading organizational change.Answer the question, “What is organizational development and how does it differ from traditional approaches to organizational change?” Gary Dessler, Chapter 8 ,Page 250-280
Session -18 Performance Management and Appraisal.       Define performance management and discuss how it differs from performance appraisal.Set effective performance appraisal standards.Describe the appraisal process.Develop, evaluate, and administer at least four performance appraisal tools. Gary Dessler, Chapter 8 ,Page 290-330
Session -19 Performance Management and Appraisal.       Explain and illustrate the problems to avoid in appraising performance.Discuss the pros and cons of using different raters to appraise a person’s performance.Perform an effective appraisal interview. Gary Dessler, Chapter 8 ,Page 290-330
Session -20 Establishing Strategic Pay Plans       List the basic factors determining pay rates.Define and give an example of how to conduct a job evaluation.Explain in detail how to establish pay rates.Explain how to price managerial and professional jobs.Explain the difference between competency-based and traditional pay plans.Explain the importance today of broadbanding, comparable worth, and board oversight of executive pays. Gary Dessler, Chapter 11 ,Page360-390
Session -21 Financial Incentives and Benefit Services       Employee compensation; direct & indirect,Equity and its impact on pay rates, Establishing pay rate, competency-based pay. Gary Dessler, Chapter 12& 13 ,Page 398-450
Session -22 Financial Incentives and Benefit Services       Define incentives and Benefits.Types of employee incentives & benefits, Difference between incentives and benefits,Flexible benefits program. Gary Dessler, Chapter 12 & 13 Page 398-450
Session -23 HR Compliance & policy Employee welfare, Safety & health, Conditions of Service & Employment and Discipline. Gary Dessler, Chapter 16 ,Page 520-550+ Hand note.
Session -24  Project Presentation Assignment on several HRM issues
Session -25  Project Presentation Assignment on several HRM issues
Session -26 Final Exam  CHAPTERS 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13 and 16 Gary Dessler, Chapter 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13 and 16

Students who are willing to audit the course are welcome during the first two classes and are advised to contact the instructor after that.

Plagiarism- that is the presentation of another person’s thoughts or words as though they were the students’ own – must be strictly avoided. Cheating and plagiarism on exam and assignment are unacceptable.

Please see the green book for further information about academic regulation and policies, including withdrawal and grading, apples and penalties for pilgrims and academic misconduct.

Students with disabilities are required to inform the School of Business/ Department of Economics of any specific requirement for classes or examination as soon as possible.