HRM Courses Description

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HRM 541 Manpower Planning & Personnel Policy (3 credits)
This course is designed to equip the students with the techniques of developing personnel policy and implementation. It includes a detailed study of environmental trend analysis, manpower planning models, manpower needs and personnel information system to forecast manpower needs and considerations of some indicators of manpower effectiveness. Policy issues considered include work force composition, wage and salary administration in the context of developing countries.
(Prerequisite MBA 501 & MBA 509)

HRM 542 Labor & Industrial Law (3 credits)
This course is a walk in the legal corporate park of Bangladesh. Labor & Industrial Law deals with the basic principles of corporate law in the classroom, which takes a look at the market and brings the real issues to the forefront. This course covers foreign investment, industrial restructuring, privatization, joint ventures, stock exchanges, taxation, globalization, environmental policy, labor issues and e-commerce.
(Prerequisite MBA 501 & MBA 509)

HRM 543 Labor Relations & Collective Bargaining in a Global Economy (3 credits)
Familiarizes students with the practice of labor-management relations in Bangladesh. The nature of labor-management conflict, the development of the Bangladesh labor movement, and a comparison to other Western labor movements provides the theoretical and historical framework needed to assess the effectiveness of current practice and trends in the development of new practices and institutions. The major areas of study are the tactics and strategies of management and union representatives and the legal and economic constraints on their behavior in the organization of unions, contract negotiation, and contract administration and interpretation.
(Prerequisite MBA 501 & MBA 509)

HRM 544 Leadership & Conflict Management (3 credits)
This course deals with theoretical and practical concepts of leadership and conflict management. It examines the complementary qualities of leadership and management factors and their impact on organizational effectiveness and corporate success. Conflict is inherent in organizations. Conflict arises whenever independent parties-individuals, departments, organizations-must secure an agreement. This course presents a variety of frameworks for analyzing conflicts and techniques for resolving conflicts. Many dimensions of conflict are discussed, including relevant psychological, interpersonal, organizational, and cultural dynamics. This course reviews strategy and tactics in various conflict resolution procedures, including bargaining, distributive and integrative negotiation, mediation, and arbitration. A conceptual understanding is of little use, however, without an understanding of how to put strategy and tactics into practice. To this end, considerable emphasis will be placed on exercises and role-play simulations of conflicts designed to develop students’ negotiation skills.  Case studies are extensively used as instruction materials.
(Prerequisite MBA 501 & MBA 509)

HRM 545 Personnel Training & Development (3 credits)
This course covers human resource management issues related to training and development. It includes methods for identifying training needs, developing training content, conducting training sessions, and evaluating the effectiveness of training according to organizational and individual objectives. It also covers special training topics such as developing management careers, identifying and developing management talent, using performance appraisal for coaching and development, and training for contemporary issues such as customer service orientation, diversity, sexual harassment, and stress management. Concentration: Required course for Human Resource Management concentration and elective course for Management concentration.
(Prerequisite MBA 501 & MBA 509)

HRM 546 Strategic Human Resources Management (3 credits)
The basis of any success of an organization depends on the corporate outlook and the long term human resource planning. This course is exclusively designed to address the issues related to strategic decisions in human resource planning.
(Prerequisite MBA 501 & MBA 509)

HRM 547 Human Resources Management System (3 credits)
With the growth in the information technology the dependence on information technology in all sphere of management including human resources has increased substantially. This course aims at modernizing and increasing the efficiency of human resources managers through proper use of computer based information.
(Prerequisite MBA 501 & MBA 509)

HRM 548 Human Resources Accounting
The purpose of this course is to focus on different aspects of Human Resources Accounting (HRA), which is in fact inextricably linked up with Human Resources Management (HRM).  To fulfill the requirement of this course, emphasis may be laid on the topics including Human Resources Accounting: its meaning, objectives and historical development, HRA and conventional accounting theory, moving frontiers of personnel management: HRM and HRA, impact of HRA information on personnel management decisions, applicability of HRA to external financial reporting, measurement of Human Resources Value (HRV) and different models related thereto, methodology of accounting for human resources, should HRV be put on the position statement?  HRA-incorporated external financial reports vis-à-vis decisions regarding selection of an organization  for share investment purposes, HRA: professional stance in Bangladesh and the like.
(Prerequisite MBA 501 & MBA 509)

HRM549: Compensation and Reward Management (3 credits)
This course aims to clarify the principles and basic concepts of compensation management in organizations. The course will explore all facets of compensation systems, including how to structure compensation systems to reflect company strategy. It also includes the role of human resource management in dealing with methods used to provide compensation. It addresses the ways in which both tangible (money, shares, and bonuses) and intangible (time-off, perks, etc.) forms of compensation may be used to motivate and reward employee performance. These choices will be understood through the guiding principles of effective compensation systems: internal alignment, external competitiveness, employee contributions, and management of the pay system.
(Prerequisite: MBA509)

HRM 550: Talent Management (3 credits)
Companies often describe the people they employ as their most important asset. The best companies view talent as competitive differentiator and one where the acquisition, engagement, development, and retention of talent is a strategic priority. This course exposes students to methods and practices to acquire, engage, and develop talent; focuses on the development of leaders within an organization; and examines how executive succession is managed. Through readings, cases studies, on-line and in class discussions student will develop their definition of talent management and perspectives on the most effective practices. The course will culminate with a research project and in class presentation that allows learning’s throughout the semester to be shared and reflected with the full cohort group.
(Prerequisite: MBA509)

HRM 551: Career Planning and Development (3 credits)
This course aims to provide an understanding of the strategic role that effective career planning and management plays in a successful career and life. Because successful career management has been empirically linked to intrinsic and extrinsic career satisfaction, career management skills should be learned and practiced. To do so necessitates first an understanding of the extant career literature and how you can apply it to your career path. To this end, concepts, techniques, and processes are explored, with an emphasis on linking theory and research with practical lifelong skill development. Topics covered include self assessment, decision making, personality, career pathways, inter-personal communication and behavior, as well as social issues surrounding careers. The course would make and endeavor to orient the students with latest theories and techniques of career planning.
(Prerequisite: MBA509)

HRM 552: Global/International Human Resource Management (3 credits)
As more firms now move outside the domestic borders into the dynamic world of international business the globalization of world markets appears to be gaining momentum. This globalization of business is forcing managers to grapple with complex issues as they seek to gain or sustain a competitive advantage. Faced with unprecedented levels of foreign competition at home and abroad firms are beginning to recognize not only that international business is high on top management’s list of priorities but that finding and nurturing the human resources required to implement an international or global strategy is of critical importance.
Therefore, this course aims at clarifying global HRM practices. To begin with, the course displays the drivers of business internationalization and the levels of corporate global integration. Then, the course outlines the structural alternatives for multinational enterprises and the cultural/national and legal considerations to account for. Afterward, the course addresses strategic international HRM and the employment cycle within an international context. This course provides an opportunity to students to explore the international dimensions of the core Human Resource Management, such as linkage with international business strategy and structure, recruitment, compensation and reward management, training and development, performance management and industrial relations.
(Prerequisite: MBA509)

HRM 553: Contemporary Issues in Human Resource Management (3 credits)
People management skills are critical for all levels of managers and in all organizations, whether the organization’s primary purpose is providing products or services. Particularly in the service industries, customer relationships hinge on the people who provide those services on a day to day basis. This course is designed to give a basic overview of the primary functions of HR that are needed : the legal environment you operate in, staffing (hiring, recruiting, and planning, including outsourcing and contracting versus employing staff), performance management and employee development, and total rewards (compensation and benefits). The main purpose of this program is to introduce participants to the challenges and opportunities of managing people in organizations.
(Prerequisite: MBA509)

HRM 554: Competency based Human Resource Management (3 credits)
Employers with increasing frequency perceive the importance of employee competencies in today’s highly competitive market: on the national and global levels. The development and management of competencies is becoming one of the key instruments of human resources management in enterprises. Organizations are looking for new methods and ways to maximize the use of employees’ knowledge, skills and social competencies in ongoing operations and in the implementation of long-term strategies. In the broadest sense, all activities of an organization are always based on the competencies of employed persons. This course is designed to provide overview of practices and functions that facilitate development of competency based human resource management.
(Prerequisite: MBA509)